Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Hofmeister kink rust

There is some nasty rust in the Hofmeister kink on both sides of the car - time to investigate!

I don't think the hole is supposed to be there! Revealed when the window rubber was removed

Looks OK from inside though!

Not much left after cutting out the rust

Outer panel is repairable, its the inside area that had turned to rust

After looking at ways to repair this i realise this is probably beyond my metal forming skills to bend up the compound curves needed to do a good repair - i need to find a rust cut! As 2002s are like hens teeth in NZ i will be hitting up 2002FAQ and UK 2002 forums to hopefully get hold of a couple of rust cuts - fingers crossed.

B Pillar repair Pt2

Finished B pillar repair, treated inside of pillar with 2 coats of Brunox and cavity wax and temporary protection of outside with zinc primer

Inside U section patch welded in

And ground off

From inside

Cut out sections re welded back in

Sorry -bit slack on the photos on this repair!

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

B Pillar repair Pt1

The rusty base of the B Pillar needs repair, this area is where the quarter panel joins the pillar, i wanted to make repairs without removing the quarter panel which is beyond the scope of this refurbishment but needed to replace rusted through steel

Rust damage

Spot welds drilled out and sections removed to reveal extent of rust

Outer skin of pillar removed to expose rusted inner skin

Perforated rust on inner skin removed

16 gauge used to form shape

Radius looks OK

Ends left long to trim up after welding in

Shaped - the old and the new

And tacked in (note factory brazed on quarter panel)

Ive found the limit of how far I'm prepared to go! A restoration would involve unpicking whole panels and buying new to replace. I will be removing all perforated steel, sometimes leaving light surface pitted steel that i will then treat to some serious rustproofing - Brunox epoxy rust treatment and Cavity wax to areas i cant reach and mechanical rust removal and epoxy primer to those I can.